A Java implementation of the MANIC cognitive architecture
Q and A:
- What the heck is this? A cognitive architecture is a design for a machine
that attempts to achieve human-like thinking abilities.
A cognitive architecture called MANIC
was designed at University of Arkansas. This is an implementation of that architecture.
- Does it work? It passes some tests. More testing is still needed.
- How does it work? You could start by reading the paper.
After that, the code fills in the rest of the details.
- Can you give me an overview of the structure of this code?
+--> docs (You are here.)
+--> src (The Java source code.)
+--> agents (Implementations of various agents, including MANIC.)
| |
| +---> manic (The implementation of MANIC.
| | ...what this project is all about.)
| |
| +---> randy (An agent that makes random decisions. Basically,
| this is a straw man for MANIC to destroy.)
+---> tests (A collection of tests for evaluating the agents.)
+---> common (Various interfaces and classes that are
used throughout the project.)
- What do I need to know to add a new test to your collection?
First, take a look at the ITest interface in manic/src/common.
To make a test, you just need to write a class that implements this interface.
Next, take a look at manic/src/Main.java.
To add your test to the collection, just add it here.
Perhaps, the best way to get started is to copy one of the existing tests,
then modify it to do what you want.
Every test will do the following things:
- Instatiate a teacher
- Reset the agent
- Call "IAgent.think" several thousand times
- Evaluate how well the agent did (usually without any feedback from the teacher)
- How can you say MANIC is intelligent if it needs a teacher?
You can think of the teacher as part of each test challenge.
The role of the teacher is to help the agent know what it is supposed to do,
not to tell the agent exactly how to do it. Of course, that can be a fuzzy line.
That's why it takes a lot of challenges to make a good test.
- How do I make a teacher?
Make a class that implementes the ITeacher interface in manic/src/common.
- How do I reset the agent, and what does resetting the agent do?
You call the "IAgent.reset" method. This tells the agent what it needs to know to begin performing your test:
- Which teacher will show it what to do?
- How many values will it sense or observe each time-step?
- How many values does it need to represent state in your world?
- How many values do you expect it to provide for its actions?
- How many time steps into the future to you expect it to plan?
- What does calling "IAgent.think" do?
You call "IAgent.think" to give the agent "life".
When you call this method, you pass in a vector of observations,
and it returns a vector of actions.
Each observed value should be a continuous value between -1 and 1.
Each action value will be a continuous value between 0 and 1.
What do all those values mean? Well, that's up to your test.
Your job is to write a test that uses those vectors in some meaningful way.
The agent's job is to figure out what the values mean and use them intelligently.
- How do I evaluate the agent?
Usually, when you are evaluating the agent, you will have the teacher always
return NO_FEEDBACK. This means it is no longer providing the agent with any
useful information. How you evaluate the agent is really up to you.
Your test will return a number that represents how well the agent performed
at your test. Larger numbers are better. Smaller numbers are worse.
Scores should only be used for ranking, so there is no established range for the scores.
- What if MANIC doesn't pass my test?
Could a human pass the test? Could a human pass it without utilizing
any knowledge obtained outside the test? If not, it is probably not
reasonable to expect a computer to pass it either. If a human could pass it,
please contribute your test, so we can work to improve our agents until they pass it.
Those are the tests we want most of all!
- Can MANIC be persisted to a file? Yes:
JSONObject obj = agent.marshal();
FileWriter file = new FileWriter("agent.json");
And, you can restore it from a file too:
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
JSONObject obj2 = (JSONObject)parser.parse(new FileReader("agent.json"));
ManicAgent agent2 = new ManicAgent(obj2, new Random(1234), new MyTeacher());
- What is the license of this code?
The code in manic/src/common/json contains code in the Apache 2.0 license.
The rest was written by myself and other contributors who all agree to release their code under the Creative Commons Zero public domain dedication.
In other words, you can do pretty much whatever you want with this code.
- How would one debug this thing with Eclipse?
- Launch Eclipse
- If it asks you, choose a default workspace.
- Close the welcome page
- File->New->Project->Java Project->Next
- Uncheck "Use default location", and click Browse
- Find the "manic/src" folder, and click OK, then Finish
- If it asks to open the associated perspective, choose Yes
- In the "Package Explorer" window, right-click on "src", then click "Properties"
- Click Java Compiler->Enable project specific settings, and set the Compiler compliance level to at least 1.7
- Click OK. Yes, it is okay for it to rebuild. Now, it should build without errors.
- Click on the bug icon. Choose Java Application->OK.
- Set a breakpoint somewhere. Yes, it is okay to change the perspective again.
- Rearrange your windows so you can actually see what you are doing.
- Now you know why Eclipse is dying.
- Why is MANIC so slow?
It does a lot of stuff. Your brain has about 100 billion neurons that all run in parallel.
This code is doing it all in serial on the Java Virtual Machine.
- Does this implementation include the functional equivalence of sentience that the paper conjectures about?
No. Why not? No one knows how to test for sentience, anyway, so what would be the purpose
in implementing it?